Collaboration of Gunadarma University, Indonesia and Kokand University, Uzbekistan
Gunadarma University, Indonesia collaborates with Kokand University, Uzbekistan. The collaboration is marked by the signing of Letter of Intent by the two universities held on 23 January 2025. The collaboration also produces an international seminar with the topic about International Summer Course Experience and Culture Day held on the same day in Gunadarma F8 Auditorium.
The Faculty of Letters and Cultures of Gunadarma University, along with other faculties of Gunadarma University, takes part in the collaboration with Kokand University. The director of English Literature Department, Gunadarma University also participates in welcoming some delegators from Kokand University in Campus E, Gunadarma University.
English Literature Department of Gunadarma University Participated in the 6Th National Congress of ESAI
English Literature Department of The Faculty of Letters & Culture, Gunadarma University participated in the 6th national congress of ESAI held on 29-31 October 2024. The annual congress was held in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. Our department was represented by Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan, the Director of English Literature Department of The Faculty of Letters & Culture, Gunadarma University.
Annual English Competition 2024
English Department of the Faculty of Letters & Cultures, Universitas Gunadarma is holding an Annual English Competition on Tuesday, Feb 20th, 2024. This competition is an excellent opportunity for all Gunadarma’s undergraduate students coming from all faculties to showcase their English skills.
Each participant can choose only 1 of the 3 following contests:
1. English Speech
2. English Poetry Reading
3. English Creative Writing
The details of the competition are as follows:
Registration date: January 29 – 15 February 2024
For students who want to participate in the Speech contest, please read the terms & conditions below:
For students who want to participate in the English Poetry Reading contest, please read the terms & conditions below:
For students who want to participate in the Creative Writing contest, please read the terms & conditions below:
For registration, please read the detail in studentsite.
All participants are free from all registration fees and will get e-certificate as the participant of the competition. The winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd winners and 1st, 2nd, 3rd runner ups) will also be awarded with cash prize and e-certificate as winners & runner ups.
UPEL Programme Director Became a Reviewer for the Journal K@ta
December 2023, UPEL programme director, Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan, M.Pd became a reviewer for the journal K@ta: A Biannual Publication on the Study of Language and Literature, Petra Christian University. This proves that UPEL lecturers are active in academic activities both inside and outside Universitas Gunadarma.
UPEL Attended the 3rd ICONESIA and ESAI’s Annual Meeting in Bangka Belitung
November 2023, UPEL attended the 3rd ICONESIA (International Conference on English Studies in Indonesia) in Bangka Belitung. This event was also held in conjunction with the annual ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia) working meeting. This event was attended by the programme directors of the member and the prospective ESAI members. At these ESAI and ICONESIA events, Dr. Ichwan Suyudi, M.M., Dr. Cahyawati Diah Kusumarini, M.M.S.I., Dr. Rita Sutjiati, M.Pd. andDr. Endang Purwaningsih attended the event as a representative from UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma.
ESAI and ICONESIA place significant importance on fostering collaboration, encouraging dialogues, and facilitating the open exchange of ideas. The conference became the opportunity to learn and celebrate the dynamic world of English studies.
UPEL Participated in the Training of Trainers: Teaching English as Foreign Language in the Digital Era Held by Faculty of Letters and Cultures
Faculty of Letters and Cultures held a Training of Trainers: Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Digital Era on September 7th, in Campus F6 Auditorium, Depok. This event is held bianually to improve the knowledge and skills of the English Literature’s lecturers. In this event, UPEL lecturers attended the Training of Trainers as participants.
The speaker of the training is Dr. Ifan Iskandar, S.Pd., PG Dipl. in TESOL, M. Hum., a senior lecturer of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, and an expert in Linguistics and English Teaching. The training was moderated by Dr. Ahmad Juma’ Khatib Nur Ali and Dr. Agung Prasetyo Wibowo. Hopefully, insightful knowledge and new understanding are gained from attending the training, and the lecturers can apply the theory and science in the classroom with the students.
UPEL Lecturer Became a Speaker in the Independent Literacy Program
In August 2023, Eka Ardhinie, S.S., M.Sas. participated as a resource person in the Independent Literacy program: Cool Reading, Trending Writing. This event was organized by the National Library, in order to increase the Community Literacy Index for Welfare in the City of Bogor. This event was attended by the Mayor of Bogor, Dr. Bima Arya.
In this event, the Director of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Muhammad Syarif Bando and Mrs. Trinity, a writer, were also present as resource persons. This event has various activities, including: sketch competition, disabled book review, Story Telling, and others.
UPEL Lecturer Participating in a Webinar as a Speaker
In August2023, the lecturer of UPEL, as well as the vice dean 1 of the faculty of letters and cultures, Universitas Gunadarma, was invited to the webinar “Publikasi Tanpa Plagiasi”. The webinar was held by Universitas Terbuka. In this event, Dr. Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali, M.Si was invited as a speaker in the Series of Webinar in Universitas Terbuka, Jambi.
Dr. Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali, M.Si presented the material regarding how to publish papers without doing plagiarism. He explained that publishing papers are important, especially for those working in the education field. However, conducting a good paper without plagiarizing is more important.
Through this event, it can be seen that UPEL lecturers are actively participate in many activities related to their expertise. It is a part of their contribution in sharing their knowledge, and as a prove that that UPEL lecturers participate in improving the quality of education.
UPEL Participated in Holding a National Seminar Conducted by the Faculty of Letters and Cultures
Depok, Thursday, August 10 2023, UPEL participated in holding a national seminar conducted by the Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Universitas Gunadarma. This seminar carried the theme of “Perempuan dan Penerjemahan: Seksism dalam Penerjemahan Karya Sastra” (Women and Translation: Sexism in the Translation of Literary Works). The seminar was attended by three study programs under the Faculty of Letters and Cultures, one of which is UPEL.
The national seminar event organized by the Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Universitas Gunadarma, presented speakers from other universities. Universitas Gunadarma invited Dra. Sri Kusumo Habsari, Ph.D, a lecturer at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, to attend this seminar as speaker 1; and Dr. SF. Luthfie Arguby Purnomo, S.S., M. Hum. who is a lecturer from UIN Raden Mas Said University, Surakarta, to attend this event as speaker 2. Both speakers presented material related to sexism in translation in the field of literature.
This national seminar was also attended by Prof. Dr. E.S. Margianti, SE., MM., as the Chancellor of Universitas Gunadarma, and Prof. Dr. Didin Mukodim, MM, as vice chancellor IV, Universitas Gunadarma. In this seminar event, UPEL lecturers acted as the organizing committee and as seminar participants. Not only lecturers, students from the three study programs under the Faculty of Letters and Culture also attended this event, considering the importance of this seminar to broaden the knowledge of academic community at Universitas Gunadarma.
On the next occasion, UPEL will continue to participate in organizing academic events at Universitas Gunadarma. Not only involving the academic community within the campus, UPEL and the Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Universitas Gunadarma, are also active in involving other universities to participate, in the context of sharing knowledge and strengthening cooperation.
The Programme Director of was Invited as a Speaker in the Workshop “Innovative and Effective Teaching Method”
In April 2023, the programme director of UPEL was invited to the workshop “Innovative and Effective Teaching Method”. This workshop was held by the English Department, Widyatama University. In this event, Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan was invited as a speaker in the training of Improving Teaching Ability in the Field of English.
Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan presented her material regarding the innovative and effective teaching method. She explained about the importance of the relationship and the interaction between the teacher and students in class.
Through this event, it can be seen that UPEL lecturers are able to participate in many conferences and workshops to contribute in science as an effort to improve the quality of education.
UPEL Attended the English Language Teacher Training (ELTT) with Regional English Language Office (RELO)
March 2023, UPEL attended the English Language Teacher Training (ELTT) program for madrasah and pesantren, in Jakarta. In this event, UPEL was invited by Regional English Language Office (RELO) who is in partnership with the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). UPEL was invited in to the Impact Conference to meet the Research Team from the US and to learn about the twelve (12) Master Trainers that have been conducted and the findings.
ELTT is a scalable human capacity development program to support MORA to improve the quality of English language and the learning outcomes in madrasah and pesantren. RELO is working together with several partners, such ac governmental organization and UINs and IAINs in Indonesia.
UPEL Representative, Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan, as the programme director of UPEL attended the English Language Teacher Training (ELTT). Apart from UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma, there are other parties attended the event including the Research Team from US and representatives of the other colleges.
By participating in this event, UPEL showed its support for any events related to improving the quality of learning English in Indonesia.
UPEL Attended a Work Meeting of the Faculty of Literature and Culture at UG Technopark Cikalong
Cikalong, February 2023, the Faculty of Letters and Cultures held a work meeting for 3 days to discuss strategic plans and operational plans. All study programs under the Faculty of Letters and Cultures were also present at the work meeting. The study programs participating in the work meeting in Cikalong included the Tourism Study Program, the Chinese Literature Study Program and also UPEL.
This work meeting aims to discuss the Strategic Plans and Operational Plans of each study program. Each study program has a Strategic Plan and Operational Plan according to their needs, while still referring to the Strategic Plans and Operational Plans of the faculty and university. The discussion on the Strategic Plan and the Operational Plans were carried out so that there will be continuity between one study program and other study programs under the Faculty of Letters and Cultures. This activity aimed to increase achievement targets in the following years as well as a form of motivation for each study program that attended.
In addition, UPEL together with the Faculty of Letters and Cultures discussed about creating a profile video of UPEL and discussed the application of a literary area to be built at UG Technopark. As it known that UG Technopark is an educational facility owned by Universitas Gunadarma. By combining technology with knowledge in each study program, UG Technopark aims at becoming an integrated area for technology development, management, education, and business.
UPEL has Received ‘Superior’ Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education
Depok, 1 Mar 2023 UPEL officially received ‘Superior’ accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT). After going through various accreditation procedures, UPEL has officially passed fulfilling all the criteria needed to become n ‘Superior’ accredited study program. This is certainly an achievement for UPEL, in addition to having succeeded in obtaining FIBAA international accreditation, UPEL has also succeeded in obtaining ‘Superior’ accreditation from BAN PT.
This ‘Superior’ Accreditation is the highest accreditation issued by BAN PT. This shows that UPEL really has good quality so that it deserves to get both international accreditation as well as ‘Superior’ accreditation. This achievement certainly cannot be separated from the teaching resources within UPEL and the students who continue to improve their abilities both in the academic and non-academic fields. It is hoped that this ‘Superior’ accreditation will further motivate UPEL teachers and students to continue to upgrade themselves and improve their quality to be even better.
UPEL Final Year Students Held A Drama Performance in Bulungan
Jakarta, January 8 2023, final year students of UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma held a drama performance at the Bulungan Theater. This drama performance was carried out as a form of practical support for drama courses. On January 8, 2023, final year students in classes 4SA01, 4SA02 4SA03 to 4SA04 held a musical drama stage adapted from an English literary works.
Each class presented a performance from a story. Class 4SA01 performed a play entitled Dead Poets Society, 4SA02 performed a play entitled And Then There Were None, 4SA03 performed a play entitled High School Musical and 4SA04 performed a play entitled Marriage Story. The appearance of this drama was delivered very well and very deeply. The UPEL final year students acted as casts as well as crew of the drama performed by their respective classes.
Apart from the final year students, there were also additional performances from other literature students who were the 1st and 3rd year. This event was also attended by many alumni, lecturers, and the dean of the Faculty of Letters and Culture. This performance is an annual activity carried out by final year students of UPEL of Universitas Gunadarma, as a media for students to show their talents as well as a supporting practicum for drama courses.
UPEL Held a Visitation with Briton English Education Cambridge University
Depok, Wednesday December 7 2022, UPEL held a visitation meeting with Briton English Education Cambridge University. The agenda of the visitation is to discuss English learning standards in Indonesia.
In this visitation, Dr. Nick Saville, Thought Leadership Director from Cambridge University Press & Assessment, Ms. Uyen Pham, Assessment Lead (ASEAN), was present as the speakers. Dr. Nick and Ms. Uyen explained about the framework for learning English in various countries that apply based on the Cambridge University standards. Besides Dr. Nick Seville and Ms. Uyen Pham, Mr. Sirajuddin Tenri, M.Ed as the director of Briton English Education Cambridge University was also present at the visitation.
During this visitation, Briton English Education Cambridge University and UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma discussed the standards applied to higher education institutions, especially Universitas Gunadarma. Apart from that, this visitation also discussed how to improve these standards and improve English language skills for students in Indonesia.
Through this visitation, it is hoped that the English standard of the students of UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma will develop even more, so that they can improve their English language skills and be able to compete with students from other countries.
UPEL Attended the 5th ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia) Congress
November 2022, UPEL attended the 5th ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia) congress in Medan. This congress discussed the completion of the ESAI management period for the 2018 – 2022. This meeting was held at the Niagara Parapat Hotel, Lake Toba, Medan, hosted by the English Literature Study Program at the Islamic University of North Sumatra, Medan.
UPEL Representative, Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan, as the programme director of UPEL and Dr. Endang Purwaningsih, as the programme secretary of UPEL, also attended the 5th ESAI congress 2022. Apart from UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma, the representatives of English studies from other universities in Indonesia also attended the congress. It is because this event was specifically held for English study associations throughout Indonesia.
The 5th Congress of ESAI resulted in the new management of ESAI for the 2022-2026 period. In these results, it was also determined that Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan, representing UPEL of Universitas Gunadarma, will act in the Cooperation Division.
With the existence of this new congress and management, it is hoped that it will strengthen the English study association and improve the quality of learning English in Indonesian universities.
UPEL Lecturers Collaborated with the Marching Fund Grant Team at Gunung Padang Site
November 03, 2022, the UPEL lecturers collaborated with the marching fund grant team at the Gunung Padang site, Cianjur, West Java. This event was held by the marching fund grant team chaired by Dr. Aris Budi Setyawan in order to develop the destination of Gunung Padang site to be an attractive place for tourists.
Gunung Padang is a megalithic site located in Cianjur, West Java. The site has many archaeological and geological remains which are very interesting to study further. Various archaeologists and geologists have come to interpret the age of the Gunung Padang site. Some of them say that Mount Padang has a high historical value, so that the Gunung Padang site has an attraction to become a historical tourist destination.
For this reason, the marching fund grant team of Universitas Gunadarma visited Gunung Padang site to participate in developing the area of Gunung Padang into a tourism destination that attracted many people. Many lecturers were involved, including UPEL lecturers. UPEL lecturers visited the Gunung Padang site to teach English business for the people there.
Dr. Agung Prasetyo Wibowo as the vice dean of the faculty of literature and culture came to be a teacher for the tour guides of the Gunung Padang site. He taught how to interact well with foreign tourists and he also provided solutions to some of the problems encountered by the tour guides. Novia Diah Lestari, M.Sas became a teacher for home stay owners in the Gunung Padang area. She explained about how to communicate and handle orders from foreign tourists who would stay at the Gunung Padang lodging area.
Hopefully in the future the UPEL lecturers will have more collaboration with other lecturers from other departments. It is a good chance for the UPEL lecturers to implement their expertise for the advancement of Indonesian society.
Diploma Supplement for UPEL Graduates upon the International Accreditation by FIBAA
The UPEL (Undergraduate Programme in English Literature) of Universitas Gunadarma is internationally accredited with FIBAA Quality Seal. Since the UPEL have the international accreditation, according to Rector’s Decree of Universitas Gunadarma Number 300.5/SK/REK/UG/2021 About The Issuance of Diploma Certificate, Academic Transcripts, Diplomas Supplement for Diploma Three and Undergraduate Education Program at Universitas Gunadarma, beside the Diploma Certificate and the Academic Transcripts, the graduate of UPEL will receive an additional document, that is the conversion of the Academic Transcripts based on the standard of ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
With the document added, it is expected that it will improve the quality of the UPEL graduates. This also can be the initial asset for the UPEL graduates to broaden their interest in pursuing an international career path or higher educations.
After the odd semester of the 2021/2022 Academic year has finished , the Quality Assurance Agency of Universitas Gunadarma in collaboration with the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Universitas Gunadarma conducted a survey of student workload measurements for 38 courses held in the Odd Semester of the Year Academic 2021/2022. The survey was conducted on 18 and 19 March 2022 of students taking courses offered in Semesters 1, 3, 5 and 7. The questionnaire consists of 31 statements that must be answered by students to obtain information about aspects of learning implementation, evaluation of learning outcomes and student workloads for each course.
There are 38 courses in the UPEL program which are held in the Odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The summary of student responses to the questionnaire for each statement item can be summarized as follows: Response rates varied from students ranged from 70% to 84%, that indicates that the survey conducted has been very representative.
The new thing from the evaluation carried out in this semester is the integration with the measurement of student workloads at the end of each semester for each course that they take. There are 38 courses in the UPEL program which are held in the Odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. Response rates varied from students ranged from 70% to 84%, that indicates that the survey conducted has been very representative.
Based on the results of a survey, most of the students spent time for the course in accordance with the expected time as regulated. However, for every course there was a significant percentage of the student that spent time more than 120 minutes a week for the course.
For the full results, the document can be downloaded here:
UPEL has conducted a survey regarding student satisfaction with the quality of facilities and services at Universitas Gunadarma. The survey includes an assessment of Library Facilities, Student’s Counselling, Student Talents Development Assistance, Soft skill Development, Scholarship, Health Facilities and Academic Administration and IT Facilities. This survey is one of the internal quality assurance mechanisms of Universitas Gunadarma. The evaluation and monitoring mechanism is carried out by at least once in a school year as an implementation of Good University Governance which refers to 5 cycles, namely Determination, Implementation, Evaluation, Control, and Improvement, which is abbreviated as PPEPP. The questionnaire in an effort to conduct an evaluation in order to improve services quality for students at the Undergraduate Program for English Literature at Universitas Gunadarma. The instruments are assessing the services provided to the students and appraise their measurement.
The survey is conducted online and has the total of 491 respondents across all students from year 1 to the final year students from the Undergraduate Programme in English Literature. Although the survey was done in the middle of the pandemic situation, it still gained a good result. 6 out of 7 item that is taken to determine the student’s satisfaction of the facility and services given by Undergraduate Programme of English Literature at Universitas Gunadarma shown that the facility and services provided is perceived as good or above the standard. One of the standard that is considered need improvement is the talent development services and facility.
In line with the vision of Universitas Gunadarma, Undergraduate Programme of English Literature of Universitas Gunadarma is striving for continuous improvement to its facility and services to its client. For the near future, UPEL will come with the new strategy in delivering service, particularly in talent development facility and services for the students.
For the full results, the document can be downloaded here:
UPEL lecturers Became a Keynote Speakers in the Talk Show of Growing Together with Poetry (Tumbuh Bersama Puisi)
March 2022, to commemorate the day of poetry, Ras Art Week held a talk show with the theme Growing Together with Poetry (Tumbuh Bersama Puisi). This event was attended by speakers working in the world of literature and theater. One of the speakers who attended the event was Mrs. Eka Ardhinie, a lecturer of UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma.
In the talk show, Mrs. Eka Ardhinie brought material about how to interpret poetry in life. She also described the different perceptions about poetry and the extent to which poetry plays a role in her life. Other speakers also shared their thoughts regarding the harmony between poetry and the lives they lead.
This event was attended by participants from various backgrounds. Students, adults, public, old, young, all attended this event. This is because poetry is something that can be enjoyed by everyone, and it contains many things that can be learned and applied in the lives of each individual.
The Programme Director of UPEL was Invited as a Keynote Speaker in ICODE-2022
In March 2022, the programme director of UPEL joined the 1st International Conference on Open and Distance Education ICODE 2022. The programme director of UPEL, Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan was invited as a keynote speaker to present her paper, along with other speakers from other countries around the world.
The title of the paper is The Basic Information on Online Learning. Related to the theme of the conference, the article discussed about the information of the online learning that is held during this pandemic era. This event was followed by many people with high educational background to present their researches and their papers which related to the education field.
Through this event, it can be seen that UPEL lecturers are able to participate in international conferences to contribute in science as an effort to improve the quality of education.
UPEL Held the Annual English Competition 2022
Depok, March 5, 2022, the UPEL held the annual English Competition 2022. This event is an annual event organized by the UPEL to capture the talents of the students of Universitas Gunadarma. In addition, this event also encourages students to have global perspectives so as to encourage the use of English as an international language, as well as providing ample space for the development of high-tech abilities.
The English Competition is a university-scale event, so that students from all study programs at Universitas Gunadarma can participate in this event. In this English Competition, there were 3 categories that were contested, namely speech, poetry reading and debate. In the midst of this pandemic, the competition was held online. The participants sent videos of themselves doing the competition, in which it will be judged by the adjudicators. The adjudicators involved in the English Competition 2022 are the lecturers of the UPEL who are experts in this competition.
In the English Competition 2022, there were dozens of participants registered, consisting of 12 study programs. All participants competed very nicely and fairly. This shows that Universitas Gunadarma has so many young talents who can excel both on and off campus.
With so many students interested in participating in the competition, the adjudicators selected the participants who were chosen to be the champions very strictly. Each category of the competition is divided into four winners; those are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners and the favorite winner chosen by the adjudicators. The videos of the winners were then shown during the announcement of the competition, so that it can be an example as well as motivation for other participants in the future.
On Saturday, March 5, 2022, the announcement of the competition was attended by the dean of the Faculty of Letters and Culture, Dr. Ichwan Suyudi, M.M., the vice dean of academic affairs, Dr. Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali, S.S., S.Sos., M.Si., the vice dean for finance and Administration affairs, Dr. Cahyawati Diah K, S.Kom., M.MSi., the vice dean for student affairs, Dr. Agung Prasetyo Wibowo, S.S., M.Sas., the program director of UPEL, Dr. Rita S. Djohan, also the committee and the adjudicators of the competition, as well as all the participants.
With the success of the annual English Competition 2022, it is hoped that students will be more active in participating in on-campus activities, and will be more confident to show the potential that lies within themselves.
UPEL Lecturers Won a Writing Competition with the Theme of Being a Mother
Every December 22 is celebrated as Mother’s Day for Indonesian citizens. Indonesian citizen celebrate this day as a form of gratefulness and appreciation for the women, especially mother. In that moment, invited the public to write about the feeling of love for mother. This activity was held to enliven Mother’s Day as well as a means to express feelings of affection and pride towards women and mothers. Two UPEL lecturers, Eka Ardhinie and Eva Nurfatimah, participated in this event. Both of them made writings on the theme of being a mother and a strong woman.
The articles, entitled Menjadi Working Mom, Aku Mulai Membandingkan Hidupku dengan Ibu by Eva Nurfatimah, and Berhasil Jadi Dosen dan Penyiar Radio, Aku Berterima Kasih pada Ibu by Eka Ardhinie, won the event organized by This is certainly a very proud achievement given by these two UPEL lecturers. This also shows that UPEL lecturers not only have achievements in the academic field, but also they are able to have achievements in non-academic fields.
UPEL Lecturer Actively Participated in the Social Activity Related to Literature and Art
Being a mother as well as an active lecturer, does not prevent Mrs. Eka Ardhinie from being active in participating in off-campus activities. As one of the UPEL lecturers at Universitas Gunadarma, she often attends the social events related to the arts and literature. Her love for art and literature is not only shown in the classroom. She also shares her thoughts through various off-campus events.
It is known that she has been invited several times as a speaker and moderator in literary-themed events. In May 2020, she was invited as the sole speaker for the Public Speaking workshop at Elang Tempur school. Then in March 2021, she was invited as a speaker in a discussion and read the poetry forum of the Millennium Literature Universe, with the theme Silence, Sound, and Poetry (Sunyi, Bunyi, dan Puisi). In this event, Mrs. Eka Ardhinie discussed about the poetry book trilogy of Emi-Suy—that is, a female poet who has uniqueness in writing; almost all of her poems use silent diction.
Then, in August 2021, Mrs. Eka Ardhinie was invited as a moderator for a national webinar with the theme Poetry and Poets in the Smart Society Era 5.0, to celebrate the day of poetry. Furthermore, at the end of 2021, she was again invited as a moderator at the events organized by the Lindungi Budaya community, namely the Online Fun Learning event – harmony in diversity in November 2021; and the launch of the Indonesian Cultural Heritage Anthology-Serenade for a Story in December 2021. This proves that UPEL lecturers are not only active in participating in activities on campus, but can also actively participate in off-campus activities.
Universitas Gunadarma Attended Best Practice Seminar for Facilitating International Accreditation of Study Programs and Submissions to International Accreditation Agencies
On 20-21 November 2021 at The Jayakarta Yogyakarta Hotel, the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology through the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs held a National Seminar on International Accreditation. This seminar was held in order to build a quality culture of the Study Program for International Recognition in strengthening access and becoming the development of Higher Education on an international scale. The theme of this event was Best Practice Facilitating International Accreditation of Study Programs and Submissions to International Accreditation Agencies.
In this seminar, the representatives from several universities in Indonesia who applied for international accreditation were present. The first day of the seminar consisted of the representatives from Padang State University and Surabaya State University which received international accreditation from ASIIN, the University of Indonesia and the PPM Management College which received international accreditation from AACSB, and Universitas Gunadarma which received international accreditation from FIBAA.
Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Culture of Universitas Gunadarma, Dr. Ichwan Suyudi, came to give a presentation as a speaker. He also shared the experience of Universitas Gunadarma in applying for the international accreditation for UPEL (Undergraduate Program of English Literature) from FIBAA. The online visit lasted for 3 (three) days, starting from September 14 to 16, 2021. He explained several processes in applying for the accreditation starting from the formation of a task force, preparing funds for accreditation applications, supporting facilities and workshops, as well as preparing the Self-Evaluation Report document which invited various speakers from UGM, UNAIR and including FIBAA itself.
Dr. Ichwan Suyudi explained more about the facilities and infrastructure of Universitas Gunadarma, since the other matters had been discussed by the previous speakers. The uniqueness of Universitas Gunadarma facilities and infrastructure is that there are no special facilities or infrastructure for one faculty only (for example, there is no literature faculty building). The concept of Resource Sharing, which does not have exclusive facilities for only one study program, is supported by FIBAA and is a special attraction. Therefore, to maintain the quality of UPEL in particular, Universitas Gunadarma always increases the capacity of human resources, updates language lab technology, improves service quality, updates curriculum and fosters cooperation both in the country and abroad.
The Lecturers of Undergraduate Programme of English Literarure Published an Article in iCollite
In August 2021, the programme director of UPEL submitted an article in the International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education – iCollite. The programme director of UPEL, Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan and the UPEL lecturer, Novia Diah Lestari, S.S., M.Sas. participated in the event by submitting a paper.
The title of the paper is Addition and Deletion of Information in the Translation of Negeri 5 Menara by A. Fuadi. The article discussed about the addition and deletion in the translation. In November 2021, the paper is published in the Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Researsh journal volume 595 by Atlantis Press. Through this event, it is hoped that the lecturers of UPEL will be more active in conducting research and publication in order to contribute to the development of science.
UPEL Received an International Accreditation from FIBAA
After carrying out various series of activities, starting from preparation, preparation of SER documents, and online visitation from FIBAA; on November 26, 2021 FIBAA decided to give the FIBAA Quality Seal to UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma. This FIBAA Quality Seal is an award in the form of international accreditation given to study programs that have met FIBAA international standards. With the Quality Seal given by FIBAA, hereby, UPEL of Universitas Gunadarma has officially received an international accreditation. This international award showed that the Faculty of Letters and Culture, UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma always improves quality in order to provide the best for the students of Universitas Gunadarma. It is hoped that by having this accreditation, UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma will continue to give the best contribution in the field of education, and will always produce quality graduates who can be relied on in society.
UPEL Contributed in the Creation of Copyrights Related to the Virtual Tour of Universitas Gunadarma Technopark
On November 26th, UPEL received a certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The certificate stated that the lecturers of Universitas Gunadarma succeed in registering the copyrights related to Gunadarma’s virtual tour.
The lecturers of Gunadarma, which consist of Rita Sutjiati Djohan, Aris Budi Setyawan, Tri Kusuma Wardani, Iqbal Al Khazim, Eriska, Ladzina Imanez, and Shoffi Muthiah Nurfitriani registered a video of virtual tour to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The video is about Learning Innovation of Tourism Destination via virtual tour of Universitas Gunadarma Technopark. The video showed about the development of technology used in the virtual tour of Universitas Gunadarma Technopark.
The Ministry of Law and Human Rights gave a certificate to certified the copyrights of Universitas Gunadarma Technopark virtual tour video. The certificate will be valid until 50 years.
UPEL student has successfully completed the Kampus Merdeka Program held by Indonesian Government
October 5, 2021, Ari Kusumawati, the student of Undergraduate Programme of English Literature, Universitas Gunadarma has successfully completed the Kampus Merdeka program held by Indonesian government. In this event, Ari Kusumawati has been recognized as an Adobe Certified Professional Visual Design using Adobe Photoshop. She joined the program for about 6 months. At this time, Ari is the student of the 5th semester in the UPEL.
The Kampus Merdeka program is the program of Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This program is intended for the 5th semester students in the higher education. This Kampus Merdeka program aims to enable students to become more creative and adaptive human resources. Hopefully, the students will be more active in participating in such events to improve their skill and to implement their knowledge for the society.
The Last Stage of FIBAA International Accreditation Online Visitations
The FIBAA’s online visitation is entering its final stage. UPEL received the third online visitation from FIBAA on September 16th, the last day of a series of the international accreditation. On this last day, the question and answer session focused on the internationality, the system and supporting facilities of UPEL in organizing the study programs. At the end of the activity, the expert panels expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome and cooperation of Universitas Gunadarma, the Faculty, and the UPEL during the online visitation. Dr. Ichwan Suyudi, M. M. as the head of the task force also expressed his gratitude and apologies if there were any shortcomings or inconvenience during the visitations. The series of online visitations from FIBAA in the context of international accreditation has ended and closed.
The Second Day of FIBAA International Accreditation Online Visitation
On 15th of September, UPEL received the second online visitation from FIBAA in the context of international accreditation. This was the second day of a series of three-day of online visitations. On this second day, the expert panels consisted of Prof. Dr. Ilka Mindt from the University of Padeborn, Germany; Dr. Bernd Engelhardt from the University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau Campus, Germany as the scientific expert; Sebastian Welter from Akademie fur Internationale Bildung, Bonn, Germany as the industry expert; Prof. Diah Ariani Arimbi from Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia as the regional expert; and then Elif Benli from Heinrich Heine University of Duesseldorf, Germany as the student panel; and Friederike Uphoff as the Project Manager from FIBAA. The expert panels held a question and answer session with UPEL lecturers, alumni and students focusing on the teaching and learning process at UPEL. The question and answer session was carried out smoothly and positively.
FIBAA Conducted the First Day of Online Visitation to UPEL, Gunadarma University
FIBAA conducted an online visitation for 3 (three) days from 14 until 16 of September 2021. On the first day of visitation, Prof. E.S. Margianti, S.E., M. M. as the Rector welcomed the FIBAA expert panels from various universities and educational institutions abroad. In her speech Prof. E.S Margianti expressed her wish that regardless of the pandemic with all its challenges, this activity can run well and give the maximum results. The first of visitation discussed a brief explanation about Universitas Gunadarma and the UPEL, which was continued by focusing on the curriculum, administrative and academic management of the study program. The expert panel did a Question and Answer session with the Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Cultures, and also with the Programme Director, Dr. Rita Sutjiati and staffs. The meeting went smoothly and gave positive expectation for the future of UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma.
UPEL and FIBAA Made Technical Preparations for International Accreditation Visitations
On September 10, 2021, UPEL and FIBAA made technical preparations for an international accreditation visitation. This accreditation visitation activity was carried out online in the context of FIBAA international accreditation for UPEL Gunadarma University. This preparation was carried out to ensure that the network and other technical elements were ready when the visitation activity between UPEL and FIBAA took place. It was planned that this visitation activity will be held for 3 days, from September 14, 2021 to September 16, 2021. Through this technical preparation, it was hoped that the implementation of the visitation activity can be held smoothly and will provide maximum results.
Undergraduate Programme of English Literature Holds the Final Exam of 2020/2021 Academic Year
Undergraduate Programme of English Literature is holding the final semester exam of 2020/2021 academic year. This activity has been carried out since the end of August and will finish in mid-September. The final semester exam is a routine activity that must be done by every study program at Universitas Gunadarma. In this event, the 3rd year students who have met the requirements can take part in the scientific writing, while the 4th year students who have met the requirements and have taken 144 credits can take part in the undergraduate thesis.
At the end of the semester, there were around 200 of the 4th year students who took the undergraduate thesis, while around 200 of 3rd year students took the scientific writing. The entire series of the final exam was attended by examiners from the Undergraduate Programme of English Literature, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Universitas Gunadarma. With the holding of the final exam at the end of this semester, it indicates that the programme has officially carried out learning for the even semester (ATA) of 2020/2021 academic year well.
Public Lecture Batch 8 – Indonesia’s War on Drugs: A Nation Free of Drugs Abuse in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic
September 1, 2021, the Undergraduate Programme of English Literature students participated in the public lecture with the topic of Indonesia’s War on Drugs: A Nation Free of Drugs Abuse in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic. This event was the continuation of the introduction about the campus life to the new students or PKKMB. The event was held via zoom meeting and is broadcasted through UG TV.
The public lecture was attended by Prof. Dr. E.S. Margianti, Se., MM., as the rector of Universitas Gunadarma. This public lecture presented Komjen. Pol. Dr. drs. Petrus Reinhard Golose, M.M., the Head of National Anti Narcotics Agency, as the key note speaker. In his lecture, Komjen. Pol. Dr. drs. Petrus Reinhard Golose, M.M. explained about the number of drug cases occurred in Indonesia, the dangers of narcotics abuse, and the strategies to war on drugs for all of Indonesian people.
It is expected that through this event, the students of Universitas Gunadarma can participate in the war on drugs and create a brighter future of Indonesia as a drug-free nation.
Public Lecture Batch 7 – Freedom of Expression, Fighting Hoaxes and Bullying, using Digital Literacy
Depok, August 24, 2021, Universitas Gunadarma held a public lecture batch 7 with the topic of Freedom of Expression, Fighting Hoaxes and Bullying, using Digital Literacy. The lecture was broadcasted through UG TV, and it was a part of providing introduction about the campus life to the new students or PKKMB.
The public lecture was attended by Prof. Dr. E.S. Margianti, SE., MM., as the Rector of Universitas Gunadarma and Prof. Dr. Widodo Muktiyo, the Expert Staff of Minister of Communication and Mass Media in which at this event acted as the key note speaker. Prof. Dr. Widodo gave a lecture to the students about the right of expression in the digital era, and how to select between the correct information and hoaxes regarding the handling of the pandemic in Indonesia. He also asked the students to be more productive and creative in order to keep up with the technological advances. Prof. Dr. Widodo also suggested the Gen Z and Millenials to avoid the negative content and be brave to fight bullying and hoaxes spread via internet.
Undergraduate Programme in English Literature Participated in the Socialization and Induction of the Briton English Training Program
The lecturers of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature had participated in the socialization and induction of the Briton English Education training program on August 23, 2021. This activity was held by LLDIKTI via zoom meeting. The meeting aimed at discussing further about the cooperation between the universities in LLDIKTI region 3 with Briton English Education, Cambridge Assessment.
This meeting was attended by the Head of LLDIKTI region 3, Secretary of LLDIKTI region 3, Rector of Universitas Prof Dr Moestopo (Beragama), Rector of Universitas Gunadarma, Rector of Institut Bisnis Nusantara, Rector of Institut Keuangan- Perbankan dan Informatika Asia Perbanas, the Head of Briton English Education, Coordinator of Institutional and Information System of LLDIKTI region 3, Sub Coordinator of Information System and Cooperation of LLDIKTI region 3, the Staff of Sub Coordinator of Information System and Cooperation of LLDIKTI region 3, the Lecturers of Universitas Prof Dr Mosetopo (Beragama), the Lecturers of Universitas Gunadarma, the Lecturers of Institut Bisnis Nusantara, and the Lecturers of Institut Keuangan-Perbankan dan Informatika Asia Perbanas.
The socialization and induction of Briton English training program is related to the improvement and development of English language competence and skills for the entire academic community involved. The activities carried out in this event included the application of Cambridge English Qualifications, the introduction of English Course – Briton Digital Learning, the Implementation of Cambridge English Program as a Reinforcement for English Course, and discussion sessions.
Undergraduate Programme of English Literature Participated in iCollite: The International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education
August 12, 2021, iCollite held the 5th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education. iCollite is the annual conference held by Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. In this event, iCollite carried out a theme of Digital Literacies and Autonomy: Current Trends and Practices in Education, Culture, and Literature Studies. This event aims at welcoming the participant to discuss and disseminate current issue and offer the solution to the challenges of our time.
The Head of the Undergraduate Programme of English Literature, Universitas Gunadarma participated in this annual event. Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan presented her paper well, so that she is awarded as the best participant in the event. This event was attended by Prof. Douglas K. Hartman from Michigan State University and Prof. Dr. Hj. Nenden Sri L,. M.Pd. from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia as the key note speakers. Many lecturers and researchers around the world participated in this event. It is hoped that the students and lecturers of Undergraduate Programme of English Literature, Universitas Gunadarma can participate in the event annually.
UPEL and FIBAA Held a Follow-up Meeting in order to Apply for FIBAA International Accreditation
On March 12th, 2021, UPEL held a follow-up meeting with FIBAA in order to apply for FIBAA international accreditation. This meeting was a continuation of the previous meeting which discussed further matters relating to the international accreditation process for UPEL. The online meeting was held at 16.00 WIB. This meeting was attended by Victoria Tischanski and Frederike Uphoff as representatives of FIBAA, Dr. Ichwan Suyudi as the head of the Task Force for activities, and Dr. Rita Sutjiati as the head of the UPEL program and the team that compiled the SER application for FIBAA accreditation. At this meeting, UPEL received positive directions and further needs in the FIBAA accreditation process.
UPEL conduct “English for Tourism” Courses
On 22 february, Undergraduate Programme in English Literature (UPEL) held “English for Tourism” Courses. UPEL in collaboration with Universitas Gundarma Professional Certification Center (LSP-UG) conduct three days course from 22 to 24 of February, 2021. Due to the Corona virus pandemic, the course is using cloud meeting, and virtual class application as learning media.
The course aims to help students develop their both language and personal skills for specific purposes; Tourism hospitality. The courses are part of collaboration with LSP-UG in preparing students for professional certification from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).
UPEL Conducted a Follow-up Workshop with FIBAA
On January 17, 2021, UPEL conducted a follow-up workshop with FIBAA. This workshop is an instruction regarding the evaluation of the Self Evaluation Report in the context of submitting FIBAA international accreditation for UPEL. This workshop was conducted online by UPEL and FIBAA, and was held at 13.00 WIB.
The workshop was attended by several representatives from UPEL and FIBAA. Victoria Tidschanski and Antonia Lutgens as representatives of FIBAA coordinated with Mr. Ichwan Suyudi as the head of the Task Force for activities and Mrs. Rita Sutjiati as the director of the UPEL program. This activity was also attended by the drafting team for the SER application for FIBAA accreditation. The workshop activities took place effectively and positively.
Undergraduate Programme in English Literature, Gunadarma University collaborated with Briton-Cambridge Assessment
Depok, Tuesday, 29/12/2020, Gunadarma University hosted the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between nine (9) universities in LLDIKTI region 3 with Briton English Education, Cambridge Assessment. The event which was held on campus F8, Gunadarma University, was witnessed by the Head of LLDIKTI region 3, Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Budi, M.Sc.
The Undergraduate Programme of English Literature, Gunadarma University, is one of the study programmes that participated in the collaboration programme. This collaboration is expected to contribute to increase the competence of mastering English for undergraduate programme and of course the networks at the international level.
The Undergraduate Programme in English Literature Contributes to the DIKTI Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Programme.
The Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education, Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs implemented the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Programme for students, and the development of institutions capacity for implementation of online academic education in frontier, remote, and under-developed areas during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Gunadarma University as one of the selected universities to be involved as an associated university.
The Undergraduate Programme in English Literature is one of the undergraduate programme at Gunadarma University that also contributes. during the beginning of academic year 2020/2021, The Undergraduate Programme in English Literature associated the students of STKIP Nias Selatan in the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) programme. The students of STKIP Nias Selatan attended lectures by using cloud meetings and virtual classes. The Cloud Meetings can be watched in parallel via live streaming UG TV and also using the Zoom Meeting platform. Then for the virtual class, the students used Learning Management System (LMS) that has been prepared by Gunadarma University. One of the lectures that associated with this program is Listening course.
The involvement of the Undergraduate Programme in English Literature showed that the undergraduate programme is ready to contribute in succeeding the government programmes in the implementation of online academic education in frontier, remote, and under-developed areas during the Covid 19 Pandemic.
Undergraduate Programme in English Literature Gave the First Online Lecture in The Beginning of the Academic Year 2020/2021
The Programme Director of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature on September 28, 2020, gave the first online lecture to the new students of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature for the beginning of the academic year 2020/2021. This first lecture is an annual routine lecture that conducted at the beginning of the academic year to introduce the undegraduate programme and campus life. This first lecture was different because it was held by using Clouds meeting, live streaming on UGTV, and UG YouTube channel. On this occasion, the Programme Director of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature, Mrs. Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan, M.Pd, was accompanied by Mrs. Endang Purwaningsih, M.Si as the secretary of the Undergraduate Programme and Mr. Guntur Eka Saputra, S.T, M.MSI as the host of the event.
ANNUAL MEETING ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia)
The Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Gunadarma University hosted the ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia) Annual Meeting held on campus D, Gunadarma University for two days on 29-30 November 2017. ESAI is an association which have members of English Studies Departments / Programmes that focus on studies in the fields of language, culture, literature and English education throughout Indonesia. This year, the event was attended by several large campuses in Indonesia. This event was opened by the Rector of Gunadarma University, Prof. Dr. E.S Margianti, S.E., M.M and closed by Vice Rector for Resarch and Community Services Gunadarma University, Prof. Dr. Didin Mukodim, M.M.
Seminar entitled “The Strategic Role of Language and Culture in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0”
Collaboration between Undergraduate Programme in English Literature, Undergraduate Programme in Chinese Literature, and Undergraduate Programme in Tourism under the Faculty of Letters and Cultures held a seminar entitled “The Strategic Role of Language and Culture in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0” which was held on October 7, 2019 at the Auditorium of campus D, Gunadarma University. It was presented by three speakers, namely Dr. Seno Gumira Ajidarma, Martiningsih Agung Chandra, and Dr. Herman. This event which was opened by the Vice Rector for Cooperation Affairs, Gunadarma University, Prof. Dr. Didin Mukodim, M.M was attended by all students from the three faculties.
Seminar entitled “Community Engagement in the Arts and Activism”
The annual seminar with Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC) / International Student Association in Economics and Commercial with the title “Community Engagement in the Arts and Activism” which held by the Faculty of Letters and Cultures at campus Simatupang, Gunadarma University on February 9, 2019. This year, AIESEC Indonesia presented several speakers from various countries such as China, Malaysia, Korea, and the Netherlands. The event which was opened by the Programme Director of English Literature, Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan, M.Pd, was attended by students of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature and also the students of Magister Programme in Translation, Gunadarma University. In this seminar the speakers presented photos of their experiences studying in their respective countries. The enthusiastic welcome which is given by the English literature students can be seen from their enthusiasm by asking some questions and giving responses to the speakers.
“Workshop on Applied Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics: Its Development and Application in Indonesia”
The workshop entitled “Workshop on Applied Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics: Its Development and Application in Indonesia” organized by the Faculty of Letters and Cultures and also the Magister Programme in Translation, Gunadarma University at campus Simatupang on 4 February 2019 presented by Dr. Susanto as the speaker. This full-day workshop was opened by the Vice Rector for Cooperation Affairs, Prof. Dr. Didin Mukodim, M.M., and was attended by students and lecturers from the Undergraduate Programme in English Literature and Chinese Literature, Gunadarma University. This workshop both enriched students’ knowledge about Forensic Linguistics and taught students how to apply it.
The students of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature Carry Out English Proficiency Assessment (August, 2018 Session)
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) era increases the need of English competency. Gunadarma University as one of the leading universities in Indonesia is certainly expected to create graduates with good English competencies. One of the efforts is by providing English Proficiency test on listening, reading and grammar. The Undergraduate Programme in English Literature collaborated with Language and Literature Development Center, Gunadarma University held the English Proficiency Test. It was held at the Language Laboratory of Campus D, E, K, and J1, Gunadarma University. The test was held in three sessions, on 13-18 August 2018, 20-25 August 2018, and 27 August-1 September 2018. Through this English Proficiency test, the graduates of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature, Gunadarma University, are expected to have a measurable and a good quality skill in English.
Interpreting Workshop for Undergraduate and Magister Programme in English Literature.
This simultaneous interpreting workshop which was held on 02/08/2017 was the result of the collaboration between the Languange and Literature Development Center, Magister Programme and Undergraduate Programme in English Literature. The speaker of the workshop was Mrs. Inanti P. Diran, S.Pd., Ed.M, a professional interpreter. It was held with the aim to increase simultaneous interpreting proficiency for lecturers in Magister Programme and Undergraduate Programme in English Literature. In this full-day workshop, the participants, received both simultaneous interpreting training, and exchanging ideas about the preparations to become a good interpreter.
The students of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature Carried Out English Proficiency Assessment ( March, 2018 Session)
In order to improve the student research in mastering internet-based technology, the Undergraduate Programme in English Literature collaborated with the Language and Literature Development Center, Gunadarma University, held a research workshop in the fields of translation, language, literature and culture based on the mastering of internet-based technology. The participants are students of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature in their 3rd years (semester 5). This full-day workshop was divided into seven (7) sessions. They were held on 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 24 March 2018 at the Development Laboratory, Gunadarma University, campus D. Through this workshop, the participants are expected to master the internet-based technology in conducting the research.
Undergraduate Programme in English Literature, Gunadarma University held an annual seminar entitled Building Bridges for Effective “Cross Culture Understanding” which was held on February 10, 2018 at Simatupang Campus, Gunadarma University. This seminar was attended by the students of Undergraduate Programme in English Literature, Gunadarma University and students from Indonesia University. In addition, this seminar also presented several foreign students, namely German, Malaysian, Korean, Chinese and Australian who are the members of Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC) / International Students Association in Economic and Commercial Sciences as the speakers.
This seminar is a collaboration between Undergraduate Programme in English Literature with AIESEC. It is an international student event which is a forum for students to develop their abilities, especially in the global economy. In addition, this event is also a forum for students to exchange ideas and cultures of each country. That event was opened by the Rector of Gunadarma University, Prof. Dr. E.S Margianti, S.E., M.M and was also attended by lecturers from the Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Gunadarma University.
Gunadarma University English Competition 2017
The annual English Competition held by Undergraduate Programme in English Literature, Gunadarma University on 28th October, 2017 at the Auditorium of campus D. This event was attended by the participants from several faculties at Gunadarma University. This competition consisted of 3 competitions, namely English Speech, Speeling Bee, and Story Telling. It was opened by Rector of Gunadarma University, Prof. Dr. E.S Margianti. S.E. MM and closed by the Vice Rector for Cooperation Affairs, Gunadarma University, Prof.Dr. Didin Mukodim, MM. The juries who assessed the participants were the lecturers of Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Gunadarma University. Every year this competition is always attended by many students from several programmes, because it can enrich not only the experience, but also their skills, especially in English. The first winner of speech contest will be sent to represent the campus in English national competition. All participants in the English competition received certificates, while the winners received certificates, trophies and prizes in the form of cash.
(Book Reading and Discussion): “Me Sambal You Chutney: Stories, Poems, and Plays Inspired by Indonesia and India”.
The book review entitled “Me Sambal You Chutney: Stories, Poems, and Plays Inspired by Indonesia and India” was held by the Faculty of Letters and Cultures and the Magister Programme in Translation, Gunadarma University at Auditorium campus F6 on 27th October 2017 with the author Amol Titus from India. This event was attended by students and lecturers from the Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Gunadarma University. This book contains stories about histories, poetry, and plays that adapted from several Indonesian and Indian cultures. This event was opened by Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ichwan Suyudi, M.Hum. This event adds the cultural insight for both students and lecturers who attended the event.