(Book Reading and Discussion): “Me Sambal You Chutney: Stories, Poems, and Plays Inspired by Indonesia and India”.
The book review entitled “Me Sambal You Chutney: Stories, Poems, and Plays Inspired by Indonesia and India” was held by the Faculty of Letters and Cultures and the Magister Programme in Translation, Gunadarma University at Auditorium campus F6 on 27th October 2017 with the author Amol Titus from India. This event was attended by students and lecturers from the Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Gunadarma University. This book contains stories about histories, poetry, and plays that adapted from several Indonesian and Indian cultures. This event was opened by Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ichwan Suyudi, M.Hum. This event adds the cultural insight for both students and lecturers who attended the event.