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The Language Laboratory Profile


The Language Laboratory of Gunadarma University was established to develop students’ proficiency in acquiring language skills. The language Laboratory a Computer Assisted Language Laboratory (CALL); it uses computer to teach language.

The course materials are already in the computer and are displayed according to the features available in the system. The Laboratory is also equipped with the connection to the Internet.

Three kinds of Language Laboratory of Gundarma University: Basic Language Laboratory, Intermediate Language Laboratory, and Advanced Language Laboratory.

The Basic Language Laboratory

provides materials and assistances for students of Gunadarma University in learning Listening Comprehension 1, Listening Comprehension 2, Grammar 1, Grammar 2, Grammar 3 and Grammar 4.

The Intermediate Language Laboratory

supports students in taking course of Pronunciation, Vocabulary 1, and Vocabulary 2.

The Advanced Language Laboratory

equips students of Gunadarma University with material courses in Speaking 1, Speaking 2, and Speaking 3.

The Language Laboratory Profile