Staffs in university consist of lecturers and staffs. A lecturer is someone who is based on education and expertise is appointed by the organizer of the university with the main task of teaching at respective university.
Lecturers can be full time lecturers, part time lecturers, and guest lecturers. Full time lecturers are lecturers who are appointed and placed as permanent staff in the respective university. Part time lecturers are lecturers who are not permanent staff at the respective university. A guest lecturer is someone who is invited and appointed to be a lecturer at a university for a certain period of time. Meanwhile, the academic levels of the lecturer basically consist of lecturer, assistant professor and professors.
Gunadarma University lecturers come from various cultures and backgrounds. Gunadarma University organization is obliged to create an organizational culture to harmonize the differences that exist between the various cultures that carried by each individual so that it becomes an accepted culture within the Gunadarma University. For that reason, it is necessary to make a Lecturers’ Etiquette Guidelines in Gunadarma University.
Lecturers’ Etiquette Guidelines aim to:
- Establish the lecturer image that can be a model for students who will enter environment of modern and professional society.
- Establish the lecturer image as a figure that has intellectual integrity and open to all changes.
- Establish the image of academics environment that cares about the environment, health, and time.
- Establish a professional image in the management of education Gunadarma University.
Article 1
The requirements to become a lecturer are:
- Have faith and devotion to God Almighty
- Insight on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
- Have qualifications as teacher
- Have high morals and integrity
- Have a great sense of responsibility towards the future of the nation and state.
Article 2
In general, the duties of a lecturer include the Three Pillars of Higher Education, namely:
- Implement teaching and educational activities in accordance with the authority level of academic position.
- Implement research activities in education and teaching context or in science development activities in accordance with the authority level of academic position.
- Implement community service activities in education and teaching context or in other activities that support the implementation of general government tasks and development in accordance with the authority level of academic position.
Article 3
Lecturers have the rights:
- Conduct academic activities in accordance with the Three Pillars of Higher Education freely and responsibly by remembering norms of humanity, dignity of scientists, available facilities and applicable regulations.
- Contribute scientific work and work performance in accordance with applicable laws and
- Obtain fair treatment in accordance with the profession.
- Obtain awards to encourage and improve achievements and to foster loyalty towards Gunadarma University to citizens or elements of organizations that have demonstrated loyalty, achievements, or contributed to Gunadarma University.
Article 4
Every Gunadarma University lecturer obliged:
- Devoted to God Almighty and obedient to the state and government of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
- Uphold the honor of the nation and state, as well as the dignity and reputation of Gunadarma University.
- Prioritize the interests of Gunadarma University and society rather than personal or group interests.
- Think, behave, and have an attitude as members of a scientific society, noble, honest, passionate, responsible and avoid despicable acts, including plagiarism.
- Be open and uphold academic honesty and execute profession duties as well as possible.
- Be disciplined, humble, sensitive, conscientious, cautious, and respect to opinions of others.
- Hold on state and position secrets and not abuse the position.
- Refuse and not accept something that is clearly known and suspected directly or indirectly, illegally related to profession.
- Pay attention to the limits of scientific authority and responsibility in using the freedom of academic forum and not overstep the authority of expertise or colleagues’ expertise.
- Respect for fellow lecturers and staff and try to align the despicable acts of colleagues.
- Guide and provide opportunities for students to obtain, develop and practice science, technology and art in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Guide and educate the students towards the formation of educated personality who are independent and responsible.
- Be fair towards students.
- Maintain their honor and health.
- Follow, develop and practice science, technology, and art in accordance with their fields.
- Comply with all applicable rules and regulations at Gunadarma University.
Article 5
The social etiquette in Gunadarma University is based on the principles of kinship and uphold harmony and balance in accordance with Pancasila.
Article 6
Gunadarma University has responsibility to maintain the good name of Almamater and realize that university must truly is a scientific society that will develop continuously in accordance with the development of science. Therefore, conducive atmosphere for the implementation of the teaching and learning process in general is a shared responsibility.
Article 7
Violations by lecturers can take the form of:
- Act and behave that can undermine, impose the good name of Almamater Gunadarma University.
- Undermine the authority of officials within the University or Faculty in execute their duties and positions.
- Act to abuse and exceed the authority they have.
- Act arbitrarily and unfairly both subordinates and fellow officials.
- Leak the position and state secrets
- Leak exam questions and or key answers
- Make illegal charges in any form in execute their duties for personal or group interests
- Resist and reject duties from superiors.
- Prevent, complicate the implementation of academic and non-academic activities that have been determined by the University / Faculty.
- Interfere the administration of education and others without legal authority from the University /
- Do fouling / destroying, cheating and falsifying letters/ legal documents such as grades, diplomas or certificates and another document.
- Perform acts of decency both in attitudes, words, writing and pictures.
- Misuse the name, symbol, sign of Gunadarma University
- Use the rooms, buildings and other facilities illegally belonging to Gunadarma University without permission.
- Do extorting, gambling, carrying, abusing drugs in Gunadarma University.
- Spread writings and ideologies that are prohibited by the Government.
- Bring into conflict and incite intra academic of Gunadarma University.
- Conduct plagiarism in scientific work.
- And others that are prohibited by applicable laws and regulations.
Sanctions to the Lecturers:
- Every lecturer in Gunadarma University who violates the ethics code, discipline, guidelines, and applicable regulations are subject to sanctions.
- Sanctions that imposed to the lecturers can be in the form of:
- Verbal reprimand
- Written reprimand
- Warning
- Postponement of increasing periodic salary
- Postponement of increasing position
- Postponement of position
- Exemption of duty
- Dismissal
Article 9
Gunadarma University members who perform violation as stated in article 7 above will be processed by ethics committee (PANTIB) that stipulated by Rector Decree of Gunadarma University.
- Affiliation of PANTIB consists of lecturer that appointed by Rector at the suggestions of: Dean of Faculty, for a term of 2 (two) years.
- PANTIB conveys the investigation results of these violations to the Rector, and final decision is on Rector’s authority.
Article 10
Gunadarma University members who perform violation as stated in article 7 are given the right to defend themselves in the presence of Rector, both in writing or verbally before Rector gives the final decision.
Article 11
- The regulations also applies to:
- Part time lecturer
- Staff: laboratory staffs, librarians, technicians, administration staffs both full time and part time.
- The regulations come into force from the date of stipulation with the provisions of everything will be changed if it turns out an error later.
- Ethics in dressed up
- Lecturers’ attire must be adapted to the role that carried by lecturers when the clothes were
- Formal attire for male lecturers that reflect professional and modern image is long pants and shirts with formal shoes. Formal attire for female lecturers that reflect professional and modern women are skirts and blouse (and blazer if possible) with formal shoes.
- Lecturers’ attire must always be kept clean and tidy as long as the lecturers execute the duty. Lecturers must always maintain personal hygiene to avoid body odor that can disrupt the work atmosphere in the office.
B. Ethics in time commitment
- Have a high time commitment.
- Start the lecture activity in the first week of each semester and end the lecture activity in the last week of each semester, in accordance with the academic calendar that has been set by Gunadarma University.
- Start and end the lecture activity on time.
- Fulfill the time commitments that have been promised to students, both in providing service out of class and in guiding thesis.
- Provide discussion time out of class hours to discuss material about 2-4 hours per week.
- Appreciate students by notifying cancellation in advance for lecture activity or time commitments that have been promised to students, both in providing services out of class and in guiding thesis.
C. Ethics in implementation of teaching, research, and community service
- Greeting that is used (as a lecturer) to the students both in the class and out of class is ‘Saudara’.
- Treat the students as adult human. Gunadarma University lecturers treat students equally, regardless of social status, religion, and race.
- Obliged to plan material and assignment to the students as well as rules for students who take the lecture before starting a particular semester. The planning is entered into detailed syllabus that is shared to the student in the first meeting of a certain semester.
- Comply teaching methods at Gunadarma University in one semester that is for lecture activities or tutorials are done for 12-14 times, the discussion is scheduled by the advisor for 2-4 times, lecturer’s tasks for 5-6 times, student’s presentation for 1-3 times, computer utilization for 1-6 times and field study or practicum for 8-12 times.
- Do not smoke in the class or office. Lecturers who smoke can only smoke in place provided, regulated, and determined by Gunadarma University.
- Be open to receive questions about the lessons and disposed to help students who apply question in the class or elsewhere.
- Be open to differences of opinion with the students, considering that science is always changing and developing.
- Provide consultation time for students out of class activities. Beyond the time allotted, the meeting between lecturers and students are carried out first with appointment.
- Do updating materials and reference that used in the class, to adjust the demands of business world that is constantly changing and developing.
- Have high integrity in evaluating the results of students’ works and other assignments to fulfill the commitments as compiled in the syllabus.
- The evaluation method that determined by lecturers in Gunadarma University in one semester is a written exam for 1-4 times, an oral exam for 1-3 times, papers for 1-3 times, paper presentation for 1-3 times, laboratory report or field study for 10-15 times, and quiz for 3-6 times.
- Obliged to make evaluation questions and give the questions to the exam committee before the evaluation.
- Obliged entry the evaluation scores and submit to the Student and Academic Administration Bureau.
- The average workload in a semester for senior and junior lecturers for teaching activities is about 40-50 hours and 310-330 hours, guiding is about 50-60 hours and 30-40 hours, research is about 50-70 hours and 30-40 hours, seminar or discussion is about 30-50 hours and 30-50 hours, community service is about 15-20 hours and 30-50 hours, and for administrative activity is about 10-30 hours and 30-50 hours.
- Be a role model for students as figure who has high concern for the development of science, environment, and health.
- Try to improve the quality of teaching, research, and community service as the embodiment of the responsibility to deliver the young generation into more advanced civilizations of the era in the future.
- To encourage and improve achievement and to foster loyalty towards Gunadarma University to citizens or elements of organization that have demonstrated loyalty, achievements, or contributed to Gunadarma University, they can be awarded by the Rector.
- The reward that given is adjusted to the achievement, loyalty, or the service done.
- The reward that referred on point (1) and (2) can be a charters, badges, money, object, or special
The implementation of students’ etiquette in Gunadarma University in accordance with Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 60 of 1999 concerning Higher Education System is made possible by the enactment of campus life regulations, or exam regulations, the provisions of student affairs selection that in principle regulates about student behavior to support the achievement of higher education goals as implied in PP Number 60 of 1999.
At the beginning of the lecture, new students get briefing from various elements in Gunadarma University, among others, from the BAAK (Student and Academic Administration Bureau), Faculty, Student Affairs, about the campus environment both regarding academics, student regulations, and student organizations. With the briefing that given it is hoped that students will have a deeper understanding of Gunadarma University both at the faculty level and at the University level. To support the development of reasoning and science, interests, hobbies and efforts to improve the welfare of the students in Gunadarma University, extra-curricular activities were held. The student activities that implemented in Gunadarama University within one semester for example sports around 10 – 7 times, arts about 3-4 times, academics about 5-7 times, seminars 4-6 times, training 6-8 times, leadership 1-2 times, social activities 3-5 times, spirituality 4-6 times.
In addition to extra-curricular and curricular activities, students are also expected to actively participate in activities held out of campus. Student activities out of campus such as activities that are scientific, social-cultural, environmental stewardship, entrepreneurship, reasoning development, are also a forum for aspirations, communication and information media to enhance and develop cooperation and the existence of a togetherness sense in their responsibilities as students in the society.
With the active role of students in various activities, they are expected to be able to show their existence as part of the Gunadarma University.
Through this student development, University function with the Three Pillars of Higher Education will lead to the implementation of professional scientific activities in realizing itself as an institution and scientific society to support national development. In this case it should be noted that the campus atmosphere, both as a place for extra-curricular activities and curricular, is only one of the educational environments in process of long life education and by itself cannot accommodate or replace the functions of other educational environments namely home and society.
Therefore, in order to establish a harmonious and scientific society balanced, students as members of Gunadarma University need to obey the regulations regarding students rights and obligations along with their prohibitions as well as the provisions regarding student organizations that apply in the Gunadarma University.