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Professional Certification Center (LSP) Universitas Gunadarma

Undergraduate Programme in English Literature (UPEL) to improve the student’s competence is collaborating with Professional Certification Center (LSP) Universitas Gunadarma. UPEL students are prepared to be qualified in one of professional certification released by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) of the Republic of Indonesia.

UPEL collaborating with LSP UG is preparing UPEL students in the English for Housekeeping competence certification. This collaboration goal is for the students to have both competence and professional certification, so they can compete in the job industries.

Professional Certification Center (LSP) Universitas Gunadarma is established based on license certificate No.KEP.0360/BNSP/IV/2017 from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). LSP Universitas Gundarma provide professional certification category P1 for thirty one (31) schemes with 200 professional assessors.

LSP scheme of competences are accordance with Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF) standard. For more details of LSP UG please visit