Annual English Competition 2024
English Department of the Faculty of Letters & Cultures, Universitas Gunadarma is holding an Annual English Competition on Tuesday, Feb 20th, 2024. This competition is an excellent opportunity for all Gunadarma’s undergraduate students coming from all faculties to showcase their English skills.
Each participant can choose only 1 of the 3 following contests:
1. English Speech
2. English Poetry Reading
3. English Creative Writing
The details of the competition are as follows:
Registration date: January 29 – 15 February 2024
For students who want to participate in the Speech contest, please read the terms & conditions below:
For students who want to participate in the English Poetry Reading contest, please read the terms & conditions below:
For students who want to participate in the Creative Writing contest, please read the terms & conditions below:
For registration, please read the detail in studentsite.
All participants are free from all registration fees and will get e-certificate as the participant of the competition. The winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd winners and 1st, 2nd, 3rd runner ups) will also be awarded with cash prize and e-certificate as winners & runner ups.