The guidance for students in Gunadarma University is carried out by Study Advisors (PA). In general, Study Advisors have duties to guide students in the academic field. Furthermore, they have mentoring duty in the academic and non-academic fields which are more personal and aim to improve the success of learning and teaching activities in the class.
Gunadarma University provides Study Advisors (PA) to assist students in completing their study program and to improve the success of learning and teaching activities Study advisors (PA) are lecturers or educational employees who are designated and assigned to guide group of students and help them to complete their study in fast and efficient way based on the condition and individual potential of students. In addition, Study Advisors have a role as bridge (connector) about the information between the University and the students in class.
To be a Student Advisor (PA), it is prioritized for full-time or non-full-time lecturer with educational background which is suitable with the student’s study program and they should have experienced in Three Pillars of Higher Education fields at least for two years. However, the duties and obligations of Study Advisors can be detailed as follows:
- Mastering the study program which is presented along with the details of the organizational structure
- Helping students to make a complete study program and selected specific program
- Helping students to make program for one semester based on study load and the changes
- Accommodating academic problems faced by students under their guidance and trying to figure out the solutions.
- Being responsible for the implementation of the duties.
- Attending the coaching meeting which is organized by Gunadarma University
- Monitoring the success of learning and teaching activities in the class in terms of attendance, condition and performance of lecturers and students, as well as accommodating and resolving the problems which arise and then submitting/ reporting those to the University through Student and Academic Administration Bureau (BAAK)
- Having a role as parent
- Doing the guidance/ consultation for their classes, both in academic and other activities
- Doing the coaching activities, in terms of psychological things, so that every student has motivation, creativity and competitive mental to get achievement.
The things that Study Advisors need to know and convey to the students are:
- The Study Advisors may hold a meeting or briefing at unscheduled time (outside the teaching hours)
- The information about filling in Study Card Plan (KRS). If the students are late to take Study Card Plan (KRS). It leads to a penalty; in this case they can get academic leave.
- The information about tuition fees payment that can be paid in instalments for some reason. This can be done by making letter of agreement with the Head of Finance
- The information about the deadline for paying tuition fees
- The information about the presence of student’s attendance should at least reach 70% of the lectures based on the barcode data.
- The information about remedial examination as substitute to the students who do not take Mid-Term/Final-Term Test. This can be given to the students who fit the following criteria:
- The students get hospitalized
- The students’ parent or sibling passed away
- The students fulfil the Hajj or Umrah. Moreover, they will be handled by Academic Administration Bureau
- The students are advised to keep the files which they have obtained in University (tuition payment form, List of Semester Grade. Student ID Card, Decree of Academic Leave, Certificates from University, etc)
- The information to students about Gunadarma University’s Management Information System (MIS) can be accessed through:
- The information to students about the E score that is listed in list of semester grade cannot be repeated in short-term semester examination.