UPEL Attended the 5th ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia) Congress
November 2022, UPEL attended the 5th ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia) congress in Medan. This congress discussed the completion of the ESAI management period for the 2018 – 2022. This meeting was held at the Niagara Parapat Hotel, Lake Toba, Medan, hosted by the English Literature Study Program at the Islamic University of North Sumatra, Medan.
UPEL Representative, Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan, as the programme director of UPEL and Dr. Endang Purwaningsih, as the programme secretary of UPEL, also attended the 5th ESAI congress 2022. Apart from UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma, the representatives of English studies from other universities in Indonesia also attended the congress. It is because this event was specifically held for English study associations throughout Indonesia.
The 5th Congress of ESAI resulted in the new management of ESAI for the 2022-2026 period. In these results, it was also determined that Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan, representing UPEL of Universitas Gunadarma, will act in the Cooperation Division.
With the existence of this new congress and management, it is hoped that it will strengthen the English study association and improve the quality of learning English in Indonesian universities.