UPEL Lecturer Actively Participated in the Social Activity Related to Literature and Art
Being a mother as well as an active lecturer, does not prevent Mrs. Eka Ardhinie from being active in participating in off-campus activities. As one of the UPEL lecturers at Universitas Gunadarma, she often attends the social events related to the arts and literature. Her love for art and literature is not only shown in the classroom. She also shares her thoughts through various off-campus events.
It is known that she has been invited several times as a speaker and moderator in literary-themed events. In May 2020, she was invited as the sole speaker for the Public Speaking workshop at Elang Tempur school. Then in March 2021, she was invited as a speaker in a discussion and read the poetry forum of the Millennium Literature Universe, with the theme Silence, Sound, and Poetry (Sunyi, Bunyi, dan Puisi). In this event, Mrs. Eka Ardhinie discussed about the poetry book trilogy of Emi-Suy—that is, a female poet who has uniqueness in writing; almost all of her poems use silent diction.
Then, in August 2021, Mrs. Eka Ardhinie was invited as a moderator for a national webinar with the theme Poetry and Poets in the Smart Society Era 5.0, to celebrate the day of poetry. Furthermore, at the end of 2021, she was again invited as a moderator at the events organized by the Lindungi Budaya community, namely the Online Fun Learning event – harmony in diversity in November 2021; and the launch of the Indonesian Cultural Heritage Anthology-Serenade for a Story in December 2021. This proves that UPEL lecturers are not only active in participating in activities on campus, but can also actively participate in off-campus activities.