FIBAA Conducted the First Day of Online Visitation to UPEL, Gunadarma University
FIBAA conducted an online visitation for 3 (three) days from 14 until 16 of September 2021. On the first day of visitation, Prof. E.S. Margianti, S.E., M. M. as the Rector welcomed the FIBAA expert panels from various universities and educational institutions abroad. In her speech Prof. E.S Margianti expressed her wish that regardless of the pandemic with all its challenges, this activity can run well and give the maximum results. The first of visitation discussed a brief explanation about Universitas Gunadarma and the UPEL, which was continued by focusing on the curriculum, administrative and academic management of the study program. The expert panel did a Question and Answer session with the Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Cultures, and also with the Programme Director, Dr. Rita Sutjiati and staffs. The meeting went smoothly and gave positive expectation for the future of UPEL, Universitas Gunadarma.