The Lecturers of Undergraduate Programme of English Literarure Published an Article in iCollite
In August 2021, the programme director of UPEL submitted an article in the International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education – iCollite. The programme director of UPEL, Dr. Rita Sutjiati Djohan and the UPEL lecturer, Novia Diah Lestari, S.S., M.Sas. participated in the event by submitting a paper.
The title of the paper is Addition and Deletion of Information in the Translation of Negeri 5 Menara by A. Fuadi. The article discussed about the addition and deletion in the translation. In November 2021, the paper is published in the Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Researsh journal volume 595 by Atlantis Press. Through this event, it is hoped that the lecturers of UPEL will be more active in conducting research and publication in order to contribute to the development of science.