Kunjungan Mahasiswa Sastra Tiongkok ke Lab Radio dan TV
Dokumentasi Kegiatan
Pada hari Jumat, 24 Februari 2023, mahasiswa dari Program Studi Sastra Tiongkok Universitas Gunadarma mengunjungi Lab Radio dan Televisi dari Jurusan S1 Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Gunadarma yang terletak di Kampus G Gedung 3 Lantai 3. Mahasiswa yang berpartisipasi adalah mahasiswa Tingkat I, II, III, dan IV yang didampingi oleh Kaprodi dan dosen dari Program Studi Sastra Tiongkok. Selama tur Laboratorium Radio dan Televisi, tim dari Program Studi Sastra Tiongkok Universitas Gunadarma disambut hangat oleh pihak Dekanat Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Ketua Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi dan jajarannya, para dosen dan Staf Laboratorium Radio dan Televisi. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah workhshop pengenalan peralatan radio, dan workshop membaca berita di radio yang dilaksanakan di lab tersebut.
On Friday, February 24 2023, students from the Chinese Literature Study Program at Gunadarma University visited the Radio and Television Lab from the Undergraduate Department of Communication Science at Gunadarma University located on Campus G, Building 3, Floor 3. The students who participated were Level I, II, III, and IV who were accompanied by the Head of Study Program and lecturers from the Chinese Literature Study Program. During the tour of the Radio and Television Laboratory, the team from the Chinese Literature Study Program at Gunadarma University was warmly welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, the Head of the Communication Sciences Department, and his staff, lecturers, and Staff of the Radio and Television Laboratory. The activities carried out were a workshop on introducing radio equipment and a workshop on reading news on the radio which was held in the lab.